Insights and Thoughts



The outcome we are seeking is ‘a redirection of belief to the positive - to have hope’.



During our journey to connect with our true authentic self, to move us into our true state of being, we gather more insight into the way our self-limiting beliefs impact our ability to drive hope for positive outcomes. 

Hope is the difference between an optimist and a pessimist. To the optimist hope is the bright beacon of light that guides the direction of the future, while the pessimist can’t see hope beyond the hurdle in front of them. 

We’ve come to recognise the greatest leaders on the planet for their amazing ability to define the goalpost of hope and shine the light for others to see, even though in that moment they themselves may not have the capability to get them there.  They walk the direct path of hope, simply by putting one foot in front of the other, free from fear or worry. Their belief and faith in hope itself allows them to let go of the ‘how,’ knowing it will come. Being free of self-limiting beliefs gives them the freedom to drive hope to create a better world for all. 

The greatest quotes and speeches ever recorded were the words that inspired hope, for we know this is what moves the masses to question their actions, to gather momentum to work in unity and harmony.  Against all odds these peaceful leaders changed the world.

  • Nelson Mandela - ‘May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears’

  • Martin Luther-King - ‘I have a dream’

  • Gandhi - ‘If I have the belief I can do it I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning’

On the other side of the coin, those who aren’t free of self-limiting beliefs will find themselves stuck in inertia driven by thoughts of being without hope, either convinced the world is out to get them or anything we do won’t make a difference. The pessimists attitude of ‘why bother’ has an impact on all who surround them. They’re often stuck in past experiences that further form negative beliefs, stopping them and others from moving forward. 
Although changing these thoughts may not happen overnight, we’ve come to realise the more freedom you have from self-limiting beliefs, the more hope you will feel.  This will, in turn, inspire you to make a positive difference.




  • Have lost hope anyone can make things right and then get stuck in that belief; not moving forward or doing anything differently

  • Are driven by pessimist behaviours

  • Have a misdirection of belief:

    • you drive a beliefs in a negative way rather than having hope something positive will happen

    • you sit back and hope others will make things right

  • Have pessimism driving your goals or aspirations rather than hope

  • See another reality, a misdirection of belief e.g. gambling

  • Are stuck or are sitting on the fence

  • Hold fear based beliefs

  • Lack of any type of aspiration:

    • status quo is fine for you

    • you can’t see the goalpost or it’s unattainable to you


  • Things are too far gone - there’s no way out

  • Hope is like a distant memory, it was a childhood fantasy 

  • I’m in a hopeless situation, I feel useless so there’s no point doing anything including asking for help

  • I believe in (ungrounded) conspiracy theories