Ko Tokatoka te māunga
Ko Kaipara te moana
Ko Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi te waka
Ko Ngāti Whātua, me Ngati Wai, me Ngāpuhi, me Te Rarawa ōku iwi
Ko Te Uri o Hau tōku hapu
Nō Parirau ahau
Ko Tana, Manga me Mackie ōku whānau
Ko Chrissy tōku mama, ko Alex tōku papa
Ko Leihia Wilson tōku ingoa
I come from a line of healers, taught by my mother who was taught by her Maori elders in the Kaipara district of Northland, New Zealand. I was raised in the Ratana faith (Māori Christian), a faith established by the followers of a famous healer named Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana. Healing has been in my blood since before I was born.
However, committing full-time to healing has been a journey. I spent 25 years working in the corporate industry specialising in large scale transformation projects. As a Process Analyst and Architect I was responsible for improving an organisation’s ecosystem to better enhance their process capabilities to work in unity and harmony. Often called in to trouble-shoot major dysfunction, using methods of root-cause analysis and a lot of my intuition. Coaching and mentoring was a huge part of giving back to the organisation which I adopted as my practice of ‘giving back to the land’.
I loved this work but healing has always been my passion. My first big healing success was in 2001 where I healed an elderly gentleman of his prostate tumour. This gave me the motivation to continue healing, which I did part-time for the next 20 years, after work and on weekends. Since then, I’ve healed myself of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and many others of chronic conditions.
Four years ago I finally had the courage to give up the comfort of the known and follow my heart. It was at this time Lianne and I came together and co-founded Next Level. Like me, she had her own journey with chronic pain and together we had a vision to heal the planet. Combining all of my healing, process and analysis knowledge for the greater good, I absolutely love what I do! I get to experience the enjoyment of seeing people’s lives change before my very eyes. This is what makes everything worthwhile.
Through a resilient mindset, we can change the way we view the world which will change the way we react (mentally, emotionally and spiritually) to our environment, impacting the way our body (physically) behaves. We can heal ourselves and others around us just by our reactions. We start to become more conscious and more aware of our role outside of ourselves. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, we focus on what’s right, or what we can make right, how we can be the best version of ourselves. We understand the importance of being a harmonious team, at home, at school, at work, and in the community. We start changing our state of being, embracing our authenticity. Now imagine if the whole world operated in this way.
Understanding that creating a resilient mindset is the ambulance at the top of the hill, Next Level has established a healing capability framework which encompasses individuals, whānau (family), community groups and organisations. It follows a Te Ao Māori and Te Whare Tapa Whā wellbeing approach to address physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social connections.
Our Connection to Papatūānuku (Mother Earth)
In Te Ao Māori, every living being is connected. We are connected to each other and to the whenua (land) through our whakapapa (ancestry). When we heal the whenua, we heal the tangata (people) and we move forward as one.
Manaaki means to cherish, conserve, and sustain. Whenua encompasses the soil, rocks, plants, animals and the people inhabiting the land - the tangata whenua. People are linked physically and spiritually to the land - it is the earth through which we are connected to our ancestors and all the generations that will come after us. Whenua is the place where we stand. Next Level embraces the values of manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua - care for the land, care for the people, go forward.
Every healing performed on an individual, always includes establishing a connection with Papatūānuku, our mother earth, giving and receiving healing with equal love, value and respect.
You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information provided by Next Level Healers. Click here to view our full disclaimer.