Astronomical Changes
Tena koutou katoa! Mihi tuatahi ki te Atua kaha rawa me te Wairua tapu, tuku whakakamoemiti, whakawhetai atu, Kia koutou katoa, ki nga kaitiaki, nga anahera pono me nga tupuna!
I would like to give my testimonial about my healing journey with Leihia Wilson and Next Level Healers! I began my Reset Healing sessions from August 9th to September 7th 2023. I’ve had six healing sessions and one coaching session during this timeframe and have noticed improvements in my body, mind and spirit!
I noticed a difference in myself straight away from my 1st session, my eyes cleared and vision was restored, and especially the heaviness and pain my head which was declining considerably in the 1st few sessions!
Leihia has such a deep understanding and is able to connect you to yourself at a deeper level of which I am very grateful to her.
It took between 3 and 4 sessions before I realised the significant improvements and feelings as I was becoming more conscious in connecting the mind, body and spirit! Through learning about my own beliefs, I have become pain free, medication free, the feeling of being free of the intense pain I have lived with for long enough, and through the Reset Healing program, finding a deep sense of freedom has been very liberating to the soul!
The most significant changes for me have been astronomical in the least. In what capacity? As I have been experiencing life changing movement in my life, moving forward consciously and more alive and alert. Through identifying my impacts and my realities, ranking myself, re-setting experiencing the many levels of healing, spiritually, mentally, physically and with whanau/whakawhanaungatanga has been an amazing place to heal and grow with Next Level Healers! Ka Nui te Aroha!!
What others have noticed about me, is that I look lighter in my eyes and face, I look happier in myself, and I look younger than I am!
I would definitely recommend Leihia and Next Level Healers to others with chronic conditions. Mauri Ora kia Tatou katoa!!
Chronic Pain
The 'Reset Healing’ programme for chronic pain is mind blowing! I have tried everything under the sun for the past 15 years but have not experienced healing like this ever! I’ve done a lot of healing work, with Osteos, Chiropractors, Myopracters (musculoskeletal specialists), Massage therapists, Acupuncturist, Physio therapists, and every energetic healing you can possibly think of. After only 2 and half weeks with Leihia I’m almost pain free and have reduced my medication significantly.
Finding Freedom
During each week of the Resilient Mindset ‘Finding Freedom’ course, I conducted intensive practise of my new skills. My meditations were clear, and I was able to see and release old self-limiting beliefs which had been causing me physical and emotional ailments for the past 35 years. The greatest thing is that I was able to do this in a short timeframe, compared to the thousands of dollars I’ve spent on medical and alternative practitioners over the past 35 years!
I would highly recommend this course to everyone; we all carry the trauma from our past and past lives. As a qualified counsellor, I believe many of our self-limiting beliefs (SLBs) are passed down from generations before us. From people who didn’t know how to stop the cycle of inflicting trauma upon others. I was surprised how many different SLBs I was able to clear in such a short timeframe. I’ll say it again, I would highly recommend this course to everyone! -
Forever Grateful
At the end of 2021 my mum was severely assaulted and suffered multiple injuries, she was only given 48 hours to live.
During this period I reached out to Next Level. Leihia and her team did multiple healings on her which tremendously helped her recovery. I couldn't imagine how things could of been without Next Level's help.
I am forever grateful to you guys and thank you from my family and on behalf of my mum.
Torn ACL Ligament
I’m a high school student and I’m on crutches with a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my knee. After only two sessions with Leihia, I have no pain and I can bend my knee. I’m very pleased with my progress as I plan to go back to competitive sports as soon as possible.
Pearls in my pocket
I have just finished my “Pearls in my pocket” healing. All of the Pearls that were given to me, combined to be the best healing energy to unleash my full potential in my path ahead. I am still buzzing from the experience and I am feeling the changes already. Thank you to two most beautiful and talented women, love you guys.
Full of Beans
Funny, the last 4 days I've been feeling really drained and low energy. Today [after my healing] I'm full of beans. I must say too, I have made a couple of decisions that I'd put off voicing or putting into action and feel good. No anxiety about outcomes or other possible effects. I can't believe how much energy I have today. It's honestly 80% more than I've had, not even exaggerating. Also, I've noticed a pain in my neck has gone...it's been lingering for a couple of days too...but that's gone too. Soo good!! Thank you so much.
New Light
I just wanted to say again how much I appreciate our session the other day. Honestly, I have been filled with so much peace since then. Over things that would normally have sent me into a deep, dark hole. I haven't felt this happy in a very long time. And strong. And I'm looking back at memories that have made me sad for a while, in a new light. Knowing that happy memories are still happy ones. Not something to mourn, because that happy time is gone. Owning my life and how I've lived it. And knowing the future is bright. And more happy times are not only coming, but are happening right now. Enjoying the day. Appreciating what I have. Letting go of what is gone. And I'm so excited for the future. So thank you guys. I can't say it enough. I hope you can feel the love and gratitude I have for you both, and how much you've helped me heal. I just thought you'd like to hear confirmation that whatever you did, it worked amazingly for me. I am in awe of you both.
Free and unafraid
I felt like for the first time in my life I was free and unafraid to start doing the things in life I'd always longed for. Simple things. Like scheduling playdates for my kids. I know this sounds silly, but I was always afraid of rejection or felt trapped like I couldn't do that. Without even thinking, I scheduled a larger Easter Egg Hunt and invited a bunch of my kids' friends, I called two of my kids' older friends' parents and scheduled time with the kids this week for Spring Break. I've wanted this for years, but I couldn't seem to do it. Also, I've been asked to speak at two events. All I can say is, if this is the beginning, I can only imagine what the future holds!!! THANK YOU!
The experience was unbelievable
I felt like for the first time in my life I was free and unafraid to start doing the things in life I'd always longed for. Simple things. Like scheduling playdates for my kids. I know this sounds silly, but I was always afraid of rejection or felt trapped like I couldn't do that. Without even thinking, I scheduled a larger Easter Egg Hunt and invited a bunch of my kids' friends, I called two of my kids' older friends' parents and scheduled time with the kids this week for Spring Break. I've wanted this for years, but I couldn't seem to do it. Also, I've been asked to speak at two events. All I can say is, if this is the beginning, I can only imagine what the future holds!!! THANK YOU!
God Bless you!
So much has changed! I cannot thank you enough for helping to heal the trauma and the hurts that I experienced throughout my life. There are a lot of different areas that I felt trapped in and now it's gone! This summer has changed my life and my family is now seeing a breakthrough! The Fruits of this have never been more evident in my life! God BLESS YOU!!!!
A positive change
Early this year I made a decision to get my life back on track. I had felt like I had a hook holding me back from any attempt to make my life better and everything was against me. It felt so bad I stopped believing I had a future. I didn’t want to ask for help from my friends and family … as I felt real men don’t ask for help. I reached out to Next Level to help me break this horrible ‘groundhog day’ over me. The healing session itself was amazing. They saw so many things that I related to. The difference these healing sessions have had on my life has been huge. I would definitely recommend Next Level to anyone who wants to move forward for a positive change.
Deep healing and revelation
I’ve had several sessions with Next Level and each one has been such a deep and thorough healing. For each one, I didn’t need to relive the trauma, just was freed from the burden and pain I had been carrying around for so long. Next Level has taught me so much about deep healing and revelation of how to get healed. They have equipped me with tools that have deepened my walk with God. I highly recommend Next Level to anyone struggling or anyone who is interested in walking a freer and more whole life.
Connect with my inner soul
I have had the pleasure and blessing of receiving healing from these two beautiful gifted women too. I went to them run down, lost and stuck in the middle of the figure 8. I was at a cross road and didn't know where I was heading to be honest. LIVING was HARD and I struggled to find peace even though I tried to maintain a life full of giving, kindness and gratitude, I still had low energy and vibrations entering my space. These ladies helped me connect with my inner self. Find ultimate peace in knowing that my path is clear and I literally saw my path flourish before my eyes. We were able to connect with ancestors who I had never known. I cannot express my absolute gratitude enough and I pray that I can return the blessings to them in our time. Love and light beautiful souls.
Peaceful and Inspirational
What a very safe, warm, peaceful and inspirational experience it has been for me to have two healing sessions with these two gifted healers of Next Level Healing. These are also the words I use to describe the learning experience at the two courses I attended.
With so much going on now in the lives of so many, it is so healing to feel held in the energy of two women who have healed themselves to a stage of so much inner peace and spiritual freedom, and who can now allow this healing to ripple out to others so easily. Both the healing and the learning experiences brought me to a place of peace. What a treasure. I am very grateful. -
Flow on Effect on others
I started to notice significant improvements in my physical, mental and spiritual health from the first session. The most significant changes for me are the unconscious becoming conscious. E.g. Limited beliefs attached to anxiety around not being able to sleep at night were shifted and, for the first time in as long as I can remember, I also woke to hear the birds in the morning like my ears had been cleansed. Rather than as the uninvited 'alarms' piercing the remaining precious minutes of my morning sleep that they had become, I now look forward to waking with the beautiful sunrise orchestra in the mornings.
Additionally, my fear of magpies disappeared. They actually suddenly began visiting me in my own garden for the first time ever and I can honestly say, it's been with mutual childlike wonder and appreciation. That's just one amazing example (with knock on effects) that has been incredibly healing.
I'd like to think you can imagine the magnitude of what else has transpired and continues to exponentially. I have noticed the flow of effects others notice in themselves that my healing journey has on them just through conversations and by proximity.
I would and do absolutely recommend Leihia to others with chronic conditions and for all types of healing.