Insights and Thoughts
The outcome we are seeking is ‘Everyone equally has abundance where no one feels they have more or less than the other’
In a utopian world everyone is fulfilling their role and not one role is more important than another. People honour each other's gifts in the neighbourhood; nobody notices what each house looks like. Each person is valued, therefore, pity does not exist. Everyone equally has abundance. People just simply want, and they have it. It’s given and received with love and no one feels they have more or less than the other.
God created a utopian world and called it Earth. It was ‘envy’ that brought down the Garden of Eden when Lucifer had issues with God’s love for Adam. He had been stripped of his gifts and felt resentment towards this ‘being’ that had more status than him.
It’s ironic that what was created to provide a Utopia for mankind, has over time driven the largest of injustices around the earth. Envy being the main instigator behind the taking of land and resources, resulting in many lives being lost.
“Theodore Roosevelt, a ‘progressive’ of his day, understood then what most ‘progressives’ today do not: namely, that envy is the root of much evil.” - Lawrence W. Reed
So how does envy develop? Envy develops when individuals compare themselves to others and find themselves to be inferior. The beliefs associated with envy will either drive a person to be superior or keep a person believing they’re inferior. At one end you have someone who takes from another to make themselves superior. At the other end you have someone who will dwell on what they don’t have, to the extent of making excuses or manifesting actions, to support why they lack. Often this can lead to sabotaging behaviours, blocking progression for themselves and others.
It’s often this ‘inferiority’ complex that manifests pity on another person, thinking their situation is superior. When in actual fact, it’s the person being pitied who pities the other. If we think about our roles on the planet, is the Chief Executive of a corporation adding more value than the essential worker who is responsible for getting food to our table or keeps our streets cleared of rubbish? Do we give credence to pity because our perception gives worth to one role more than the other? We’ve learnt the during the times of Covid, ‘essential workers’ are the ones who have a direct positive impact on our lives. They are not to be pitied but valued for the true heroes they are. If the world formally recognised this, everyone would equally have abundance where no one feels they have more or less than the other.
Envy is a reaction to lacking something whereas, jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something you already have.
At one end of the scale you envy something someone else has. At the other end you pity someone for not having what you have. This can then make the person being pitied feel they lack something or they are lower than you which can create envy
Like most self-limiting beliefs, envy has its extremes. It can range from having the feeling of envy simmering away inside you to acting on that envy. This action may be as simple as laughing when someone doesn’t get what they want or lose what they have. Or, it may result in someone forcefully taking or destroying what someone else has
It can create an obsession to the point of thinking ‘it’s either you or it’s me’, which in turn can move to self-loathing ‘now I’m not good enough’
Often you’ll recognise envy because when you do get something you thought you wanted it doesn’t fulfill you. It feels like an insatiable hunger.
This belongs to me, not you
I want it but I can’t get it so I’ll take it or destroy you so you can’t have it either
It’s not fair you’ve got it and I haven’t.
You’ve ruined it for me
Now you’ve got it, I can’t have it
You’ve got it or done it first so now you’ve ruined it for me
This was supposed to be mine or for me and now you’re trying to be better than me.
Stay where you belong
Who do you think you are, being somebody you’re not?
Good job you failed, now you know what it feels like
What’s wrong with me?
I can help others get what they need but it never comes back to me
I’m the one stopping my own success - everyone around me has success so therefore it must be me
I see everyone having a good time and being happy in their relationship yet I don’t have that and I want it
It’s me - I’m blocked. There’s a bunch of things out there stored up which should be released to me that others get but I can’t
No matter how much I have already, there’s always more to be had
I need to keep up with what everyone else has.