Trust - learned or inherited?

Ki te kotahi te kakaho ka whati, ki te kapuia, e kore e whati
— When we stand alone we are vulnerable, but together we are unbreakable

Where do you sit on the ‘trust’ spectrum? At one end we have those who believe they can only trust themselves, that everyone else will let them down and it’s only a matter of time as to when this will happen. At the opposite end are people who take others at face value and believe everyone will do what they say they will. As per most things in life these outer extremes can hold us back and our own personal journey has been no different.

As we travel our own path of lifting self-limiting beliefs, we continue to look inward and recall our own experiences of trust. We examine the layers of armour we had put up over many years to protect ourselves and understand why now, they no longer serve a purpose. To be a truly magnificent healer we must look within and remove these layers (or jackets as we’ve come to call them). This hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park, it’s meant calling ourselves out on our own baggage, but having removed ‘judgement’ and ‘worthiness’ we can do this with the love and gentleness we deserve. And if you choose to travel this path, so can you. 

When thinking about self-limiting beliefs associated with ‘trust’ two coins spring to mind. One is inward facing and the other outward. Both have overused and underused sides.

There are some who find it difficult to place their trust in others because through their experiences, or those handed down to them through their DNA, they now hold the belief the only thing they can truly rely on is themselves, that their destiny sits on their shoulders and their shoulders alone. 

You’ll know this is you as your self-talk might include things like:

  • My manifestations of abundance will happen but only I can make them come true

  • If I don’t expect they’ll do what they say they’re going to do I can’t be let down

  • Nobody else can truly have my best interests at heart no matter what they say

  • I can’t tell anyone anything because they won’t keep it to themselves.

Often those who find it difficult to trust are coming from a place of resilience and sometimes even a place of fear, either way they can be wary of people’s motives. It may be a case of being scared to speak up or say their truth because they believe drama will follow, or it will be used against them at some point in the future. 

There are also those who find it difficult to put their trust in anything they can’t physically see. Where they believe nothing exists beyond science; things like medical or geological science and sometimes at a push emotional. They certainly don’t have a connection to, or belief in, other worlds or dimensions. To them this theory can appear ludicrous and fanciful. 

At the opposite end of the spectrum are those who place their trust in others almost to the point of naivety, often to the detriment of their loved ones around them. These are people generous to the bone, and at worst who'll give the clothes off their back and take food out of the mouths of their family. People who believe everybody applies the same values they do, that nobody will let them down. Very rarely do they stop to question people's motives. 

These are the people who believe if they just give someone one more chance they’ll change or come through this time. Often they’ll repeat the same cycle no matter how many times they’ve been shown evidence to the contrary, no matter the impact their beliefs have on their family.

This opposite end of the spectrum can hold people back as they find themselves expecting a different outcome without changing anything, yet still sorely disappointed when they’re let down.  Some would say this is the definition of stupid. We say this is the definition of someone who has been gripped with a self-limiting belief. 

Going back to our analogy of coins, and looking at the inward facing ‘coin of trust’, it’s easier to identify this in others than it is in ourselves. How many times have you seen your loved ones refuse to do something because they hold the belief they aren’t up for the task when in actual fact they are more than capable? Trust in ourselves doesn’t come easy for some. This may have been inherited through our whakapapa (ancestral lines) or learned throughout this lifetime. Either way it’s an uncomfortable and scary space to be. 

On the flip side of this coin are those who believe they can do things they don’t actually have the skills to do. They appear to have blinkers on when it comes to their own talent or ability. This too can be scary and let’s not downplay it, in the extreme it can be just plain dangerous for the person, themselves and those around them. We see this often in the world and pray they don’t cause harm to others.  For this reason, we’ve introduced into our intent for all students we teach ‘may their gifts be used for good only, if not take it away from them’.  We trust in the Divine to know the intent for what we teach and who this knowledge can be trusted with. 

So how did we release these beliefs this time around? 

Ironically as we set out to break the connection to self-limiting beliefs associated with ‘trust’, we came across many forms of deceit.  The ‘uglies’ tried to take us off course by attempting to gain our trust and challenge our trust in each other.  As healers connected together to do this vital work, trust is everything and so our trust cannot be broken. The ‘uglies’ give in and we continue with the task at hand.

As with the other self-limiting beliefs we have broken, we found the cord to ‘trust’ was as big as a city.  We saw a section of the cord which has many windows and houses many, many ‘uglies’. Once we severed the cord we saw thousands of them go to the love and the light. It appeared this healing was as much for them as it was for the rest of us. No wonder the uglies were so keen to take us off track. Every time a soul returns to the love and the light they do so on the proviso they will become an active part of God’s army for evermore. Like we say, we saw thousands of them do this - wow!

Once this is done we go to the place we call ‘Creation’ where there is no beginning and no end, yet it is the beginning and the end.  We saw creation turn white (where it is normally black like being in space) and had a vision of a waterfall made up of mothers milk. This isn’t really surprising as breastfeeding is touted as being the best way to strengthen the bond between a mother and her baby. Yes, you got it - creating trust!

We then moved on to another vision where our inner children split into many. It’s as if they were in different time zones. The colour pink is prevalent at this time which in the spiritual world can represent being in touch with your inner child. We had a great sense of knowing this will become another strength for us in the future.  We need to learn how to use it and develop it into our kete (basket of knowledge) to one day teach others, which we’re sure will be another story to share in time to come. 

As we continue we come up against our final challenge and hear the words ‘hope springs eternal’. In researching this later we discover it’s a poem by Alexander Pope in which we come to understand these words at this moment meaning ‘it is human nature always to find fresh cause for optimism’.  This gives us the confirmation we need to hear; we’re on the right path spreading hope not fear to create a new world. We also come to the realisation ‘hope’ will be one of the next self-limiting beliefs to break. 

For now we’re more than happy to know we’ve done a great job setting the scene for everyone to be able to trust openly without incurring negative consequences. The spiritual battle work we do isn’t for the faint hearted because it’s not always pleasant but it’s definitely always rewarding. We often work behind the scenes however, we’ve recently been called to make our work known. This is so others can gain an understanding of what they need to release, what they need to do or what part they need to play to help the earth return to what it once was and what it will be again. To create a new world. In releasing self-limiting beliefs we will collectively create this new world. Together we will create Utopia.


How the ‘collective consciousness’ can create Utopia


Which do you choose to preserve - Judgement or acceptance?