Which do you choose to preserve - Judgement or acceptance?

He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tangata
— Goodwill towards others is a precious treasure

Judgement - it’s only one word but it has such a huge impact. Judgement affects us all in one way or another. If used in the right way, it can help to move us forward however, there’s many many beliefs attached to judgement which can be detrimental and self-limiting.

It’s human nature to judge ourselves and others but do we do this in a balanced way or do we judge one harsher than the other?

This blog is the fourth in a series we’ve recently written on releasing self-limiting beliefs. If you haven’t read the other three you can view them here:

Back to Judgement

Do you find yourself feeling and acting on the judgement of others? Do you adjust your behaviour to meet your beliefs of what others may want from you, need you to be or expect you to do? You might not realise it but these are signs the judgement you place on yourself may be holding you back. 

If you look even deeper you may find you project your self-judgement onto others, making out they feel the same way about you as you do, when in actual fact this might not be the case. Alternatively you may place yourself at the centre of attention to get validation. This might manifest itself by you feeling the need to demonstrate you can do better or be better than others which is commonly known as  ‘one uppance’. 

Some of the specific beliefs you may have associated with self-judgement are things like:

  • I don’t stack up, I’m not successful or good enough

  • I feel ugly

  • I could have done better

  • If I speak up or say my truth ‘they’ won’t like me

  • I hold myself to higher standards than others; or

  • When something goes wrong I must have caused it:

    • If only I’d loved them better maybe they would’ve loved me back

    • If only I’d worked harder maybe I would’ve got that promotion etc.

These things are only one side of the coin. The other side is full of judging others. This is where you find yourself making judgement of others perhaps without knowing or understanding what’s going on for them. This may be because of jealousy or envy or even for some people arrogance, where they either don’t want to understand or even care about what’s going on. 

In judging others you may hold the belief that your view is the right view, or at the opposite end of the spectrum; others will believe your view is not valid and they may laugh at you. Either way they are all self-limiting beliefs attached to judging others which can hold you back from being the best version of yourself or from you allowing your true authentic self to show through. 

Click here to learn more on self-limiting beliefs associated to judgement.

Lifting the judgement aimed at Adam and Eve

We travelled through whakapapa (ancestral lines) to break this self-limiting belief in the same way we did with ‘worthiness’ and ‘choice’. We travelled through the whakapapa of all whānau (families), all races and all nations. While we were doing this we were heavily supported by the indiginous souls of the past. They were waiting for us on the shores of New Zealand, indicating it was through the waters of New Zealand we must travel. 

As we broke the connection, and released the souls stuck here on earth attached to these beliefs, we felt all the judgement which has been aimed at Adam and Eve for eating the apple dissipate. This was such a beautiful feeling as they had carried a heavy burden with their choice to do this. 

We then saw the path walked by all when holding onto these self-limiting beliefs imploded. A white ball of mist formed in the middle of New Zealand and started to spread across the nation. For those of you who don’t know, New Zealand is also known as ‘Aotearoa’ or Te Whenua o Aotearoa (Land of the Long White Cloud)’ and this reference came through loud and clear. It was as if the white mist, which we know has the ability to connect all, will help everyone connect with each other free of judgement. 

We know those who acknowledge they hold some of these self-limiting beliefs and believe they are now lifted from the planet will find they are accepting of themselves and others in a way they have never been before. Like we’ve mentioned previously it will take time for the habits of a lifetime to change and the memories in the body to release but step by step it will happen. You just have to have trust and faith and it will be done.


Trust - learned or inherited?


We’re ALL a force to be reckoned with!