We’re ALL a force to be reckoned with!

Tē tōia, tē haumatia
— Nothing can be achieved without a plan, workforce and way of doing things

Isn’t hindsight a wonderful tool. As a practice we record all of our messages and lessons from the Divine, whether we understand them at the time or not. We revisit our recordings on a regular basis to look for things like patterns or to gain a greater insight. One of the recent insights we’ve gained has been around self-limiting beliefs. We’re focussed on these at the moment because we know they’re a game changer for the way the world operates. 

The Divine always has a reason for what we’re taught and the way we’re taught it. In looking back on self-limiting beliefs, the order in which we were led to break their connection seems important. It feels like the Divine was building us layer by layer so we were strong enough and in the right mindset for the big finale ‘Hope’. 

The first set of self-limiting beliefs we broke was on the 20th of May 2021. It was the self-liming belief in respect of ‘worthiness’ (you can read the blog here). Makes sense right? If we didn’t feel worthy of the role given to us, there’s no way we could have gone on to break the rest of these mammoth beliefs. 

Then on the 12th of June we had three very specific self-limiting beliefs lifted from us personally during a self-healing session; self loathing, judgement and doubt. The Divine told us it would make us “Free from rationale. Free of constraints altogether. Free to heal, to create, to love.  Healing this inside of us, will enable us to lift and heal others. This will be phenomenal”. We were also told through lifting judgement “You will have the wisdom and understanding to realise what you’re looking at is theirs to own not yours. Just acknowledge it”.

It was a moment to remember for us as our tūpuna (ancestors) and the Divine displayed an overwhelming sense of pride in us, in what we’re doing, in what we’re going to do. We were told although it’s his power that runs through us, we’ve accepted everything. We’ve followed. We’ve done everything that’s been asked of us. The Divine said “Think of what you’ve done for others, you are the miracle”. In hindsight it’s no coincidence we’d broken the connection to worthiness first, as this message may have been put down to ego which could have been disastrous. If we question our faith in our abilities then our healings will be unsuccessful and our goal to heal the planet will never be achieved.  

It was at this point we were given a gift. The gift of freedom (you can read more about how this feels here). The Divine told us “You are a force to be reckoned with”. We knew instinctively these words were for ALL who would be given the gift of freedom. We also knew this would happen once a person had enough layers and self-limiting beliefs lifted. Therefore, we’ve made it our mission to lift self-limiting beliefs from as many people as possible to ensure globally we’re ALL a force to be reckoned with. 

Two weeks later, on the 1st of July, we broke the second connection. This time it was attached to self-limiting beliefs in respect of ‘choice’. This allows us to have the freedom of choice if used for good.  You may have read our blog about ‘choice’, if not you can read about it here. We realised at this moment we have an opportunity to impact people’s thinking, to where they know and believe they have a choice over their own thinking and destiny. Without having an understanding of how choice truly works we probably wouldn’t have been in a position to tackle the next one - ‘judgement’. 

We broke the connection to self-limiting beliefs associated with ‘judgement’ a few days later on the 3rd of July. This was a biggie, which we’ll write about in more detail soon, but for now all you need to know is having the ability to truly accept yourself and others puts you in good stead to trust. Without this acceptance you can’t ever expect to trust openly with all your heart because you’re too busy letting unwarranted judgements get in the way. 

You guessed it. We broke the connection to self-limiting beliefs associated with ‘trust’ next. We did this on the 6th of July and along with it comes the wonderful ability to trust openly without incurring negative consequences.  

Wow what a week! Choice, understood. Judgement, gone. Trust, renewed.

It’s important to note as we’re mere mortals, this doesn’t just happen overnight.  We continue to journey through raw emotions and mental anguish but with this new found freedom we’re able to look inward and recognise it for what it is. No longer are we allowing ourselves to view us and others with such harsh judgment or have such little trust. No longer are we allowing all of these self-limiting beliefs to hold us back. This is the start of the connection to true freedom - chains be gone!   

We gave ourselves some breathing time to allow this new way of thinking to settle and new habits to start forming before we went in search of the next self-limiting belief we were led to break, which was all the things holding us back that were associated with ‘control’. Breaking this helps to align your behaviours to the overall belief everyone is equal and deserves to have their say over their own destiny. 

Going back to hindsight, we realise just how important the word 'destiny' is in this context as the final thing we are led to do, on the 21st of July,  is to redirect belief to the positive; to have ‘hope’. Nelson Mandela summed this up beautifully when he said “May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears”.

Breaking all of the connections to these self-limiting beliefs has cleared them from those souls of past and the Divine has shown us how we can easily lift them from those of us living in the present. So, if you choose to embark on this wonderful journey to freedom, although they can be lifted easily, it takes time and effort to change the habits which reside in our bodies in the form of memories. 

We know from our own experience many of the beliefs, which quite often are not even factual, can weigh us down at best and torment us at worst. They can be absolutely paralysing. Our understanding of how true freedom feels, grows with every day that passes and it feels liberating and magnificent. This helps us to connect with our true selves, step into our potential and perform our role on the bigger plan. It’s for this reason we’ve made it our mission to lift self-limiting beliefs from as many people as we can so we’re ALL a force to be reckoned with!


Which do you choose to preserve - Judgement or acceptance?


We are all worthy!