We are all worthy!

He oranga ngakau, he pikinga wairoa
— Positive feelings in your heart will raise your sense of self-worth

Self-limiting beliefs!! What a huge topic right? How many self-limiting beliefs do you think you carry which impact you on a daily basis? Okay now take that figure and triple it, and you’re probably closer to the ballpark. 

In previous blogs we talked about the gift of freedom which has given us the ability to break connections to major self-limiting beliefs ‘across all whānau (families), across all races and across all nations’. So far we’ve shared a number of those beliefs relating to ‘choice’ (you can read about it here). Here we’re going to expand more on this topic in relation to ‘worthiness’. 

How many of you believe being a mother or father means putting the whānau (family) first? Or who holds the belief that to put yourself ahead of others is being selfish? These are typical thoughts associated with the underuse of worthiness. We’re not saying you should always put yourself ahead of others but ensuring you put your needs on an equal footing to those around you would be a great start. 

Here’s some other thoughts you may have if you’re undervaluing your own worthiness:

  • I’m being selfish if I give to myself in the same selfless way I give to others 

  • There’s a hierarchy of respect and others deserve to be at the top of it more than I do; or

  • Something or someone else is more worthy of my time than I am.

You may also find yourself constantly craving attention or recognition if you hold the belief (even subconsciously) that if you’re not receiving attention then you’re not worthy, or as good as someone else who is receiving attention.

Another goodie we see often is the belief others are more deserving. People come to us for healing all the time and when we ask what’s troubling them they kick off with ‘I know there’s others out there worse off than me’ or when helping them with manifestation they worry about receiving too much when there’s others out there who need it more. Lifting these types of beliefs help them to realise everyone deserves the best, including themselves. Pretty cool stuff huh! 

Like everything, there’s a flipside. Some of us overuse worthiness. This overuse can be just as self-limiting as underuse. You see this quite evidently in people who believe the world revolves around them. They may hold the belief they deserve more than others, they are better than others or both. 

Another example is where someone believes for them to feel worthy they need to be recognised therefore they attempt to control other people or situations so they are in a position of being recognised.

In moving forward to a new world, a new way of being or living we can understand the importance of breaking self-limiting beliefs attached to worthiness. So it is no surprise worthiness was the first mammoth self-limiting belief we severed across all whānau (families), across all races, and across all nations.  

We went on an adventure to break this connection! 

At the time we were performing healing on a very special healer who had all the beliefs associated with the underuse of worthiness. To help with her healing we went to break connections to negative events (if you don’t know how we do this you can read more about it here). We travelled through her whakapapa (ancestral lines) and came across one massive connection!  It was the size of a city, unlike anything we’d ever seen before. It was a first for us so when we saw the size of it we knew this was something very special.  

Although this was different to anything we’d seen before we weren’t surprised as only days earlier each of us had one of those ‘knowing’ dreams and now here we were, seeing something which related directly to what we each had seen in our dreams.  

It had the intensity of something quite massive, something that could change the world, something which led us to venture further in our work with self-limiting beliefs which we’ll continue to talk about in upcoming blogs. 

The connection also had a ship’s steering wheel, another first for us, which her inner child had to navigate. It appeared there were many souls here on earth who felt they weren’t worthy of heaven.  So once the connection was broken these beautiful deserving souls from all around the world returned home through the love and the light to become part of the Divine’s army which became HUGE. 

We were told this healer would have access to these souls, and in her work to heal the planet, she would be able to steer them to where help is required. At the end of the healing she was given a heart by the Divine which helped her feel worthiness in its purest state on behalf of all. It was absolutely beautiful and an experience which is hard to describe and one we will never forget. 

Nobody wakes up and makes a conscious choice to hold one of these self-limiting beliefs, so associating with any of them is not a reason to beat yourself up. A lot of these are handed down through our whakapapa (ancestral lines) or ingrained in us throughout our lifetime by our earthly experiences. Instead, be excited by the fact there is a way to have them lifted from your conscious and subconscious thoughts. It may take time, as our body holds memories which require reprogramming, but it is possible. Once lifted little by little you will start to recognise and disassociate with these beliefs therefore moving you one step closer to the freedom we all desperately seek and deserve.


We’re ALL a force to be reckoned with!


It all starts and finishes with intent