It all starts and finishes with intent
“Kia hōhonu ai te puna kupu.”
We’ve learnt if we stay true to our path and our purpose, we are provided with all we need to walk that path and accomplish that purpose. If our intent is pure, our gifts are awakened and our ability to use them is as easy as directing pure golden sunshine to open the lotus flower.
It follows then, to utilise our gifts to their fullest extent, we must first understand the hierarchy of intent as everything we do has intent behind it.
Let's talk about us for a minute
To talk about this hierarchy it’s probably easiest if we use our vision to heal the planet to demonstrate how this works. The following table depicts how this flows from our ultimate intent through to our day to day work.
Through being clear on our intent the Divine can respond accordingly. So in our case we receive:
Healing to free us from anything holding us back from achieving our vision
Abundance to help us achieve our vision
Gifts, tools and lessons on how to heal people and the planet
Guidance on how to establish our school
Lessons on how to teach this way of healing
Strategy and tactics; and
Almighty strength and courage to do what is needed to achieve that purpose.
So how do we use intent in our day-to-day work?
As we’ve said, our vision to heal the planet is our ultimate intent. In every single healing we perform, every class we teach, our greatest level of intent is ‘To heal the planet and pave the way to Utopia’.
We know healing comes in many forms therefore our wish is that all those who are healed by us become the ‘best healer on the planet’. And so, our healings will always have the intent ‘for this person to become more connected to their true authentic self and have a deeper understanding of their true path’.
Once we’ve set this overall intent we move to individual intent by focussing on the person’s uniqueness. We know in order to be the best healer on the planet, we need to heal ourselves and this work typically doesn’t happen in one session. We need to peel layers off, akin to layers of an onion. With each layer, we become more connected to our true authentic self and have a deeper understanding of our true path. To peel off the layers, we need to get down to ‘what’s going on for us?’, that is spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. This is what we call a ‘specific intent’.
To gain a better understanding of what the specific intents are for each person we use two techniques. The first is we use our gifts to tune into the person before they even walk in the door. We ask the Divine to guide us to have an understanding of what this person may need to be healed, in order to help us heal the planet.
Because being clear on intent is so vital to the outcome of the healing session, the second technique we utilise is a health check form. This provides a structured approach to gathering information, through discussion, about what is going on in the person's life at this point in time (again spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically).
Once we’ve discussed all of this in detail with the person, we jointly establish specific intent that is unique to them. Long ago the Divine told us ‘the discussion is just as important as the healing itself’ and intent is no different. So then our healing is focused on all of the ‘specifics’ that have been described for the healee, and our ‘ultimate intent’ to heal the planet which is a given for every healing we perform.
Coming up with a clear intent statement which is specific enough to hit the mark is a practice but the more you understand the hierarchy of intent the easier it becomes.
In what other sense is intent important?
Believe it or not, having the right intent is vital when it comes to receiving and using our gifts. Gifts are often revealed in our healing sessions. We were told early in our journey our gift is revealing gifts in others. This doesn’t mean we create those gifts, as we’ve been told many times we’re not that special, gifts are within everyone. We simply help the healee to see what is already within themselves (and our intent when we reveal gifts are, these gifts are to be used for the greater good of all and to harm none). What we’ve learnt is the gifts we receive aren’t for our curiosity, they are for a divine purpose. We are mere kaitiaki (guardians on behalf of everyone) of these gifts, not owners (that is, not ours for our own fulfilment but for the greater good). If the intent behind the use of the gift isn’t pure or for that divine purpose, or if we aren’t capable of using it for a divine purpose yet, it won’t be accessible for our use. In fact, if we’ve been given a gift and change our intent then the gift may even be taken away. We’ve seen this happen on occasion.
Being clear on intent is also critical in manifestation. Knowing exactly what you’re manifesting and why, will help those dreams become a reality. This is a whole topic in itself which we’ll save for a future blog but just know when you’re manifesting, ensure you have a clear understanding of what your words mean. This is especially true when it comes to group manifestations.
Another way to use intent is in establishing boundaries within the spiritual realm. We use intent to be clear on who we connect to, how we will connect with them (directly or through another source) and when we will or won’t connect with them. As an example, in our healings we always connect with the intent of it being only through Jesus, for the greatest good of all concerned, only ever with love and only if it’s safe to do so. We also have the intent that our own gifts will only ever be used for good. At the end of our healings we always have the intent for Jesus to close the gate to the spiritual realm on our behalf - not just to be safe but to give us a bit of peace and quiet!
As you can see, intent is a crucial part of healing. Intent is often used unconsciously but by making the unconscious conscious you can apply your focus to it. Get it right and things will flow, miracles will emerge, the unexpected will happen. Think of it as another way to help you reach the next level.