Breaking past connections to negative events

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari he toa takitini
— I come not with my own strengths but bring with me the gifts, talents and strengths of my family, tribe and ancestors.

When it comes to healing, which is more important?  Past, present or future? Which one comes first?  To us, the answer is simple - they all are and they all do.  They are three but they are one.  We work in all three dimensions at the same time as if there is no timeline and yet we clearly have one.


We need to heal the planet to create a future for our next generations. To do this we need to heal the past and present.  We need to see the planet in its most harmonious state.  We see this future state as Utopia.


We heal ourselves in this present state to create a ‘current’ future - this is the best version of ourselves.  To do this work, we must first acknowledge our tūpuna (ancestors) and heal the past.  As we’ve discussed in other blogs, past events and behaviours travel through our DNA.  And as our tūpuna (ancestors) imprint on us, we in the present imprint on future generations.


We use the strength and courage from our tūpuna (ancestors) to face all the wrong-doings of the past.  It’s in the past we see negative cords or connections that need severing.   It’s here where we must start our work.  It’s here where darkness feeds and grows the most.  This is where we use the strength of Utopia and our current future to fight the darkness.

Put simply, we believe there are certain events which happen in life that imprint on our DNA or carry through our whakapapa (ancestral lines) to impact us in this lifetime and, if we don’t break the connection to them, they will continue to impact for generations to follow. 

The Divine has taught us how to break ‘past’ connections to negative events. These events could have occurred hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. They’re ones which are holding people back from being their best version of themselves, from becoming their true authentic selves. They negatively impact the way a person feels or behaves today. This negativity is like memories carrying through our DNA to imprint on the lives of the living and, as we’ve said, unless severed they will continue to do so for generations to come. It’s important to reiterate we’re only cutting connections to ‘negative’ events. We definitely bring forth the strength of our tūpuna (ancestors) also to be the best version of ourselves, but that’s another story. 

How does this manifest?

Have you ever wondered why you feel so strongly about something other people can simply let go of? Or why you have, what you think, is an irrational fear of something your head tells you is safe? These thoughts, feelings or fears may not be ones you have developed in this lifetime. It may be something which happened to your tūpuna (ancestor) which has carried through to manifest in you. 

You might find yourself repeating negative patterns and no matter how hard you try to break free of them you keep attracting the same thing over and over. 

Often we spend time healing ourselves thinking the answers lie within but if this is something which has carried through your whakapapa (ancestral lines), unless the connection to the original event is severed, you will never be completely free from its grasp. 

How do we do this?

We start with intent. We always start with intent. We want their inner child to lead us to whatever it is that’s holding the person we’re healing back from being the best version of themselves. We work with the inner child as this is the person's true authentic self and therefore they know what they’re prepared to release at this moment to move forward. 

We then follow the inner child through their whakapapa (ancestral lines) to find the connections to the events. Often the inner child will lead us into the depths of the ocean to do this. The first time we ever did this we were shown a vision where a whale led our own inner children through the ocean, through our whakapapa (ancestral lines) to find our own connections. 

We see these connections as cords similar to umbilical cords, which is quite fitting as they bind us to the event in the same way an umbilical cord binds us to our mama. These cords run along the bottom of the ocean and are of all shapes and sizes. They run in all directions and we’ve come to learn their placement tells a story of it’s own. 

Once we’ve located the cords we call on God’s army to sever the connections on our behalf. We ask them to sever it for the good of all concerned; the good, the bad and the ugly. In other words the perpetrator, the victim and any negative entity associated with the event. 

At this point a number of prayers are said. These prayers have been given to us by the Divine for a raft of purposes, but again that's another story. For today's blog all you need to know is they are prayers of forgiveness. They forgive all concerned and allow them to move through to the love and the light to ultimately join God’s army. Once forgiveness has been given the souls are all called home. This is the most beautiful sight and feeling of all the healings we do. Helping souls to return home who have been stuck in this dimension is unbelievably emotional and rewarding. 

Contrary to what we’ve been led to believe, heaven isn’t just reserved for a select few.  As the Divine told us ‘no man left behind’.  If you’re prepared to join God’s army and fight the good fight forever more, then you’re welcome. They’re all given a choice, join God’s army or be slayed.  It’s through this releasing of souls, God’s army (on our behalf) are able to cleanse the land the event occurred on to ensure all remnants have been released. We see a vision of the land looking beautiful and lush and we know we have all carried out our respective roles properly and the job is complete. 

When we first started breaking negative connections we were taught how to break one at a time. This was an exciting time in our healing journey as we were whisked away to faraway lands of times gone by, where all sorts of rituals and events would play out before our very eyes. When we repeated these visions to our healees they could resonate with everything we told them and could articulate to us exactly how this manifested in their day to day lives. As our learning progresses we get shown how to do this on bigger and bigger scales. 

We progressed to breaking more than one connection for one person, then we were taught how to break connections to events which impacted multiple people. Recently we’ve been shown how to break connections to self limiting beliefs ‘across all whānau (families), across all races and across all nations’. We can’t wait to see what the Divine has in store for us next.


It all starts and finishes with intent


Do we really need to learn a lesson in life?