Do we really need to learn a lesson in life?
“Kei ōu ringaringa te ao”
In a previous blog we touched on the gift of freedom which has given us the ability to break connections to major self-limiting beliefs ‘across all whānau (families), across all races and across all nations’. So we thought it only right to expand on this topic and talk about one of those self-limiting beliefs. This leads us to the topic for this blog - choice.
There are many self-limiting beliefs associated with choice. One we often hear is ‘we come into this world to learn a lesson’. We don’t actually believe this to be true. This self-limiting belief is a good example of how things travel through our DNA to imprint on our beliefs today. As our tūpuna (ancestors) imprint on us, we in the present imprint on future generations. If we continue to believe this is what we come here for then that’s what we’ll continue to get. The Divine has told us ‘We come into this world to heal, to create, to love, free from rationale, free from constraints altogether’. Imagine if we all believed we came here to make the world a better place. What behaviours would that attract? What actions would that drive?
So let’s take a look at what else we know about self-limiting beliefs in the form of ‘Choice’.
Underusing our freedom of choice creates perceived constraints and thoughts such as:
There’s no way out
My life is already mapped out
Why bother, what’s the point?
I cannot effect change
While overuse of choice can be a method of controlling others. This is where people hold the belief:
My choice needs to be your choice
You married me for life - good or bad (they hold your choice over you as a form of control)
Another overuse of choice is where you were born into a religion, race, culture, class etc and this is held over you:
Your duty as the eldest child is….
You can’t marry a catholic, you’re a protestant etc
In actual fact a balance is what’s needed. We want the freedom of choice if used for good. This is what we went in search for as we travelled through whakapapa (ancestral lines) to find and break the connection to all of the self-limiting beliefs associated with choice.
What was the journey like?
To break these types of connections we must first visit the room of freedom to gather strength for the task ahead. This is a room where there are no rules, no boundaries, no judgement, no resentment and is a room free from ego. Where hurts and regrets can be released with forgiveness. On this day when we arrived at the room of freedom we felt all feelings at once (like an explosion), to the point of being overwhelmed by emotion.
The Divine appeared with a magnificent staff, out of which shot brilliant white light similar to an electrical lightning storm. This summoned all beings to help with the task at hand. He told them they all had a role to play in healing the planet, they all had connections to those present and they were to call upon them to also help with this task.
Some time ago indigenous souls from around the world trekked to the shores of New Zealand where they have laid in wait for this moment in time. They joined the Divine and informed us we will get to the connection through the waters of New Zealand.
We then went through those waters to travel through whakapapa (ancestral lines) to find the connection we were to break. It was absolutely massive (as big as a city), like a wall you couldn’t see over or around. God’s army broke the connection across all whānau (families), across all races and across all nations after which the souls were released and the ground was cleansed.
While doing this we saw visions of Adam and Eve. There was a sense of multitudes of choices being made because of their one choice to eat the apple. We felt the weight of that choice and what it had come to mean for mankind. There was a huge release as if the memories of this fateful day were finally lifted.
It was clear they had forgiven themselves long ago yet they were carrying the shame of this choice with them because others refused to let it go, blaming all sorts of future choices and behaviours on them. At this point we then received a message from the Divine; judgement was to be the next connection to break - look out for this one in future blogs.
Where to from here?
Now this self-limiting belief has been broken for the souls of the past; we can lift them from those present with ease. There’s two catches; they must agree they possess the belief and they must accept the healing to remove it.
By lifting self-limiting beliefs from the past AND present, we stop recycling them therefore creating the ultimate freedom our next generations require to create Utopia.
Those who’ve had self-limiting beliefs lifted notice when one raises its ugly head they catch themselves in the thought. This allows them to divert their thinking to change patterns of a life-time, turning what is often unconscious into conscious.
This now forms part of our strategy to heal the planet and create Utopia. Healing the past, then the present to create the future.