How the ‘collective consciousness’ can create Utopia

He rā ki tua
— Better times are coming

What is Utopia?

What exactly is Utopia or this new world/earth we hear people talk about?  In our manifestations we see Utopia being a completely healed planet with Papatūānuku (mother earth), humanity, animals and waterways all working in harmony.  In reality, how will this happen if the entire mindset of humanity doesn’t change?  

We see Utopia being achieved over a number of stages.  This next phase is on the conscious level. The more people that reach Utopia on a conscious level, the quicker we will notice a change on the physical level thereby creating the physical Utopia.  Humanity needs to lift themselves to where no matter what is happening around them, they still strive forward to the direction of ‘Hope’. This is why the work on lifting self-limiting beliefs is so critical. Find out more about self-limiting beliefs here.  

Connectedness and what we mean when we talk about it?

We know there are many people out there who are connected.  We are each connected to the Divine, connected to Papatūānuku (mother earth) and connected to each other.  As we raise our individual consciousness, we realise this more and more.  If you start to practice your healing in groups, you’ll start to feel what your group is feeling.  If you tune into Papatūānuku (mother earth), you’ll start to feel what she’s feeling.  This means we feel the high and the low vibrations. Meaning, when we’re sad, we’re all sad. When we feel fear, we all feel fear. And when we’re happy, we’re all happy.

We start to become in tune with not only those close to us but also like-minded people around the world.  How often have you thought about someone and out of the blue you receive a call or message from them? Or wondered if someone is okay and when you touch base, they really need a friend?

What about consciousness?

We’re no experts on this topic but we can share our own interpretation through our experience and visions.

The more we heal, the more our mind aligns with our heart, the more we shift our mindset to the positive, the more we become aware of all that is internal to us and external to the world.  If we stay attuned to our consciousness we can avoid being sucked down the rabbit hole of the world's issues. 

How often have you heard a person rant negatively about a topic and the atmosphere in the room completely changes.  Or seen posts on Facebook where negativity based on fear, makes you want to close it down all together.  When we’re aware of all that is internal, we see the beauty in the world and attune ourselves towards hope, rather than fear.  By this small realisation we’re making the unconscious conscious which, through our connectedness, helps the positive snowball effect of the collective consciousness.  

When we’re operating at the conscious level, we have an individual capability to do great in the world.  We become aware everything is within.  I am the Divine and the Divine is me, I am Papatūānuku (mother earth) and Papatūānuku is me.   We have the ability to perform miracles!  When we, as the collective, are all operating at the conscious level, this capability becomes massive!  This is what we see at Utopia.

What is the power of the collective consciousness?

In simple terms ‘collective consciousness’ is a large group of people who are each fully aware of a topic, intent or each other's thoughts, ideas and beliefs. 

In Utopia we see all of humanity working in this way, working in harmony with the animals and Papatūānuku (mother earth) for the greatest good for the planet.  They’re all so connected, there is an awareness of what each other needs to be forever healed.  Similar to the way bees work in harmony, not needing to communicate, just innately aware of their role in the big picture.

As a ‘collective consciousness’ practicing healing on a conscious level, we have the ability to share vibrations, knowledge, capabilities, visions and goals.  When we concentrate our effort on the same intention, our achievements are endless.

In this current world, we have a way to go but we have a vision and the more people who share this vision, the more collective consciousness comes into play and we start turning the world’s compass towards hope.

Who can you add to your collective?

Our collective is massive, but not in the way you’d think.  To perform our healings, we call on God, Jesus, Archangels, Angels, the Protectors, God’s army (which include our tupuna (ancestors), guides and the souls we’ve helped return home), and all other worldly beings who love our planet.  With our deep connection to  Papatūānuku (mother earth), we also include her in our collective.  

We regularly collaborate with other healers, locally and globally to perform strategic healing on Papatūānuku (mother earth).  She in turn helps us to heal humanity.  It's through our connection with Papatūānuku we broke connections to self-limiting beliefs and infused our intent to lift those beliefs into the elements. 

How can we all participate in paving the Way to Utopia?

As healers, initially our work is to engage the collective to raise the vibration, help others to feel the higher vibrations such as freedom, love, fun and laughter etc so they start to take action (of love and gratitude) to steer the ship towards hope. 

It’s all of our responsibility, as magnificent healers, to ensure we keep the mindset positive, always striving for hope.  On an individual level we can heal ourselves and others, on a collective level we can help to change global mindset.  With the might and the knowledge of a collective, we can target our healing to lift the vibration, just as we have done in the past but with even more impact than just us doing it.

We know the more people who work on bringing Utopia to life the sooner it will happen.  This work can be anything from manifesting on a regular basis including bringing through Utopia in healings through to healing people, the oceans and waterways, animals and nature or even planting plants. It’s all about doing our bit for the planet, contributing to the dawning of the new world!


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