Student Reviews

Over our journey we’ve had the privilege to work with many student. What encourages us to continue our mahi (work) is the life changing impact we have on those we touch.

During each week of the [Finding Freedom] course, I conducted intensive practise of my new skills. My meditations were clear, and I was able to see and release old self-limiting beliefs which had been causing me physical and emotional ailments for the past 35 years. The greatest thing is that I was able to do this in a short timeframe, compared to the thousands of dollars I’ve spent on medical and alternative practitioners over the past 35 years!
I would highly recommend this course to everyone; we all carry the trauma from our past and past lives. As a qualified counsellor, I believe many of our self-limiting beliefs (SLBs) are passed down from generations before us. From people who didn’t know how to stop the cycle of inflicting trauma upon others. I was surprised how many different SLBs I was able to clear in such a short timeframe. I’ll say it again, I would highly recommend this course to everyone!
— Maxine
I would highly recommend Next Level. The coaches are amazing, their knowledge, understanding and ability to communicate.
On top of being absolutely amazing people, they have supercharged my abilities and I cannot wait to dive deeper with them.
— Belinda
As always it was a “safe” environment to be open and honest about the things I felt. During this course I felt and saw so much more clearly. I came away, using the tools we learned, as a part of my day. It is now ‘in me’, resulting in me thinking more, using more, believing more. An absolutely amazing 3 days and very grateful to them for the opportunity to grow and become the healer they see in me. Thanks girls, you are magnificent teachers. I know, as a person who teaches, that it makes a huge difference, the way you teach and how you read each student to then teach to their ability. And at the same time encouraging students to be the best they can be. Well done to you both! xx
— Julie
The number of new tools available to us; I love how Lianne & Leihia flow with each other when presenting the work, and that flow shows in the videos (the perfect team!); the online resources are great, and so good to have access to; I experienced the power of the healings, which were so good; loved the diversity of the other people in the group.
— Student
Since I have attended the next level retreat I have had major life changes. The weight of the world I had been carrying all my life has been lifted, I suffered in pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and addiction, I feel it has been lifted from my shoulders, I no longer live in a world of fear, I have been able to come off 90% of medications...
I feel my soul has been freed from all the baggage that had been placed upon me. I have reunited with my children and noticed the healing that has also happened for them. The pain in the memories no longer exists within, they are so far in the past that they no longer consume me. The tools I have been gifted are so powerful! I feel protected and feel connected to my true self. I would 100% recommend their work to everyone. If I can move past the life I had been living, anyone can. I had given up on life, on love, I had tried everything!!! I now have the tools and guidance I need to live an amazing life. You ladies are truly a gift from god and I cannot wait to be able to give back what I have been gifted. I truly have been gifted my life back.
— Kim
Thank you is not enough to express what I feel after the amazing week I had with you. I walked in feeling anxious and unsure of what was going to happen. I couldn’t even read out loud, my goals I had written on day 1. Next Level, you are incredible angels! You encouraged me to be what I couldn’t see. Everyday I couldn’t wait to begin the day and didn’t want it to end. My life is so hectic and stressful with the added worry of my precious Kassius and his short time on this earth. I felt at peace everyday, surrounded by love and laughter. And we had lots of laughter! [The visualisation exercise] clearing the clutter was another eye opening experience. It set me up for a life of calmness and it also gave my Kassius back. That was the most incredible thing to see. The change in him is amazing. Thank you Next Level.
— Julie
I liked the energy, the quiet acceptance of us all, and the pace of new skills being added.
— Student
Easily one of the best learnings I’ve ever had in my life. You have awakened me and now I see the world with new eyes.
— Paul
Working with Next Level has changed my life. My experience with them has been the biggest permission slip for taking action & truly stepping into my potential. I even unlocked more abundance & started landing more clients with my business. Not to mention the level of impact my clients have felt! It is such an honor & privilege to have connected with & received from these incredible ladies.
— Danny
The ladies of Next Level are so kind and generous. They are amazing.
— Becky
I felt like for the first time in my life I was free and unafraid to start doing the things in life I’d always longed for. Simple things. Like scheduling playdates for my kids. I know this sounds silly, but I was always afraid of rejection or felt trapped like I couldn’t do that. Without even thinking, I scheduled a larger Easter Egg Hunt and invited a bunch of my kids’ friends, I called two of my kids’ older friends’ parents and scheduled time with the kids this week for Spring Break. I’ve wanted this for years, but I couldn’t seem to do it. Also, I’ve been asked to speak at two events. All I can say is, if this is the beginning, I can only imagine what the future holds!!! THANK YOU!
— Client