
Worthiness | Choice | Judgement | Trust | Control | Hope | Sacrifice | Shame | Envy


Self limiting beliefs

Self-limiting beliefs!! What a huge topic right? How many self-limiting beliefs do you think you carry which impact you on a daily basis? Okay now take that figure and times it by at least ten; now you’re probably closer to the ballpark.

So what are self-limiting beliefs? Put simply they are any belief which is holding you back from experiencing the freedom to be your true authentic self, to be the best version of yourself.

Nobody wakes up and makes a conscious choice to hold one of these beliefs, so associating with any of them is not a reason to beat yourself up. A lot of these are handed down through our whakapapa (ancestral lines) or ingrained in us throughout our lifetime by our experiences. Instead, be excited by the fact there is a way to have them lifted from your conscious and subconscious thoughts.

We all have the gift of freedom within us. During this wānanga (course) we’ll show you how to harness this gift to lift self-limiting beliefs for you, your loved ones and anyone else you come into contact with.

This may take time, as our body holds memories which require reprogramming, but it is possible. Once lifted little by little you will start to recognise and disassociate with these beliefs therefore moving you one step closer to the freedom we all desperately seek and deserve.

By lifting self-limiting beliefs, we stop recycling them, therefore creating the ultimate freedom our next generations require to make this planet a better place to live. We love this work as it feeds directly into our mission as healers which is to heal the planet and create Utopia. Healing the past, then the present to create the future.

Those who’ve had self-limiting beliefs lifted notice that when one raises its ugly head they catch themselves in the thought. This allows them to divert their thinking to change patterns of a life-time, bringing what is often unconscious into our consciousness.

We know those who acknowledge they hold some of these self-limiting beliefs and lift them, will find they have a huge shift in the way they perceive the world around them and how they feel on a daily basis. They will find they are accepting of themselves and others in a way they have never been before.

Like we’ve mentioned previously it will take time for the habits of a lifetime to change and the memories in the body to release but step by step it will happen. You just have to trust and have faith and it will be done, you will find freedom!