School for Gifted healers


Student Reviews

Over our journey we’ve had the privilege to help many students. What encourages us to continue our mahi (work) is the life changing impact we have on those we touch. You can read more about it here:

My ohh my! I had the most amazing time with Next level!!! It was so much fun learning how to remove attachments and also receiving the pearls. I’ve had some health issues with my stomach for the last couple of months where I constantly felt sick. After receiving my pearls I felt so much lighter, I actually felt amazing all day long and I still do. Since participating in this course it’s almost like I have this inner knowing that I’ve been healed now. Thank you so much Ladies this is massive for me!
— Nicole
So much gratitude for such an amazing level up. Thankyou thankyou thankyou to the amazing women of Next Level. Thankyou forever to Becken Fuggle for encouraging me to do this course and Thankyou to every lovely being for the shared experience and knowledge. This simple but massively effective tool .... Removing Spiritual Attachments ..... has changed my every moment. I am so excited to move forward in my healing practices. Once again THANK YOU. The ladies deliver training in such a unique beautiful and thoroughly empowering way. I am excited to do future training with Next Level.
— Di
I would highly recommend Next Level. The coaches are amazing, their knowledge, understanding and ability to communicate healing modalities. On top of being absolutely amazing people, they have supercharged my healing abilities and I cannot wait to dive deeper with them.
— Belinda
Oh WOW!!! …. Where To Begin… The Next Level Gorgeous Souls Are Literally Next Level …. This Was For Clearing Attachments For People Places & Things. My Intuition Was On Another Level. I Loved Receiving The Pearls In Meditation - My Body Felt So Much Warmth And Everything Was So Detailed … It Was Incredible. The Practices Completely Blew Me Away & I Will Be Using This Modality Multiple Times A Day. Thank You Beautiful Ladies For Creating This Amazing Opportunity To Share Your Magic & Wisdom. So Much Love For You All.
— Steff
Next Level school for gifted healers is exactly that! Totally Next Level! The magic and healing that Next Level facilitates is nothing short of extraordinary. I began my journey with these amazingly gifted women a few months ago and the healing journeys that I have experienced with them are beyond description. They’ve helped me remove layers of protection that I had wrapped around myself, shown me how to reactivate long forgotten abilities and reintroduced me to parts of myself that I never realised were missing. I highly recommend them to anyone who’s ready to take themselves to the Next Level!
— Carmel
The ladies of Next Level are so kind and generous. They are amazing.
— Becky
The impact of learning, through Next Level, how to remove spiritual attachments for me is the feeling of freedom, being able to move forward and not be held back by the impacts and how spiritual attachments place weight, pain and even negative thoughts upon a person. I remember a time when I felt like a prisoner trapped within myself and being finally set free through our Next Level healings. The beautiful thing about this mahi (work) is that it is not limited, we can clear our family, friends, our homes, places of work, land and even our fury four legged animal friends. I strongly recommend this course to anyone and everyone.
— Sye
Learning to remove spiritual attachments was a life changer. After taking the class, I had instant opportunities to apply what I had learned. We had gone to visit friends and you could sense everyone was irritated. I excused myself, and removed attachments from the group of people, and within 5 minutes the atmosphere was clear, and everyone was laughing and having a good time. Knowing this has made a significant impact, and I can’t stress how simple and profound this technique is. Thank you, Next Level! This is an incredible tool!
— Dusti
What a positive difference having the tools and knowledge of being able to check yourself and others in your space for attachments and being able to remove them in an instant. Even better having other whanau and friends equipped with the same gift for days when your vibration is low and they can do a quick check for you!! Thank you so much. I am grateful truly grateful
— Rachel
As always it was a “safe” environment to be open and honest about the things I saw and felt. During this course I felt and saw so much more clearly than before. I came away, using the tools we learned, as a part of my day. It is now ‘in me’, resulting in me thinking more, using more, believing more. An absolutely amazing 3 days and very grateful to them for the opportunity to grow and become the healer they see in me. Thanks girls, you are magnificent healers, but have also become magnificent teachers. I know, as a person who teaches, that it makes a huge difference, the way you teach and how you read each student to then teach to their ability. And at the same time encouraging students to be the best they can be. Well done to you both! xx
— Julie
What a very safe, warm, peaceful and inspirational experience it has been for me to have two healing sessions with these two gifted healers of Next Level Healing. These are also the words I use to describe the learning experience at the two healing courses for students which I attended.
With so much going on now in the lives of so many, it is so healing to feel held in the energy of two women who have healed themselves to a stage of so much inner peace and spiritual freedom, and who can now allow this healing to ripple out to others so easily. Both the healing and the learning experiences brought me to a place of peace. What a treasure. I am very grateful.
— Judy
As a Healer, Coach, Mentor, Facilitator and Sacred space holder I have been called for a while now to go deeper into my healing abilities. I feel a call to the Ancient ways of being, of using energy, healing Mother Earth and all of us who inhabit her. It has felt for the last 18 months a massive cosmic war raging around me and now more than ever it’s time to let the light shine bright in the darkness.
The last three days I just completed a course called “Heal the Healer” with the ladies from Next Level. This course blew my mind.
Over the last three days I’ve felt activated, healed, expanded, pushed out of my comfort zone, leaning into new edges and into new learnings. I feel Leveled up. I cherish the new gifts, tools and abilities we have to serve humanity.
When their medicine and magic came into my realm I felt a sense of connection, inspiration and purpose. I knew there was medicine here for me to learn. As wisdom keepers, all of us have knowledge, magic and medicine to share and I feel very honoured and grateful to have participated in such an extraordinary course, vision and purpose.
— Becken
The number of new tools available to us; I love how Lianne & Leihia flow with each other when presenting the work, and that flow shows in the videos (the perfect team!); the online resources are great, and so good to have access to; I experienced the power of the healings, which were so good; loved the diversity of the other people in the group.
— Student
I liked the energy, the quiet acceptance of us all, and the pace of new skills being added.
— Student
Working with these ladies, & the Next Level School for Gifted Healers has changed my life. My experience with them has been the biggest permission slip for taking action & truly stepping into my potential. Within just a few sessions, I immediately noticed more space within my being, increased clarity, and a stronger connection with my intuition & energy. I even unlocked more abundance & started landing more clients with my business. Not to mention the level of impact my clients have felt! It is such an honor & privilege to have connected with & received from these incredible healers.
— Danny
Easily one of the best learnings I’ve ever had in my life. You have awakened me and now I see the world with new eyes.
— Paul
Thank you is not enough to express what I feel after the amazing week I had with you.
I walked in feeling anxious and unsure of what was going to happen. I couldn’t even read out loud, my goals I had written on day 1. Next Level, you are incredible angels! You encouraged me to be what I couldn’t see.
Everyday I couldn’t wait to begin the day and didn’t want it to end. My life is so hectic and stressful with the added worry of my precious Kassius and his short time on this earth. I felt at peace everyday, surrounded by love and laughter. And we had lots of laughter! Your magic garden space was my favourite place. Walking the track and “seeing” one of my tupuna for the first time was unreal. That was the beginning of me really believing. Clearing the clutter was another eye opening experience. It set me up for a life of calmness and it also gave my Kassius back his all night playing sessions. That was the most incredible thing to see. The change in him is amazing.
Our healings were an amazing experience and gave me confirmation that I was where I needed to be. Thank you Next Level. My path to enlightenment has only just begun!
— Julie
I have had the privilege of attending a Next Level healing retreat earlier this year. I went in feeling tired, run down and exhausted with life in general and if I’m honest, in denial that I was in need of healing. Not quite knowing what to expect, I committed myself 100% switching off my mobile for 5 days (my choice) and disconnected with my normal everyday stresses.
The first day was emotional. Accepting that I was in need of healing was hard. Connecting with wairua and loved ones was overwhelming, I’d never experienced that before. Guided visualizations, to clear the clutter to quiet my mind from the noise allowed me to open up more every day. My visions became clearer after they tweaked my frequency.
Feeling the energies of others and going through time/through whakapapa (genealogy) connecting with inner child was absolutely amazing!! I was able to see past events, feel emotions and help clear away what I can only describe as “yuckness” from historical happenings that have caused dark clouds or feelings of insecurity etc that are passed down through generations.
Since coming away, I feel so much lighter. I have taken multiple whanau out to Next Level for healing, and know that they have aided whanau through spiritual deceptions through distant healing too after I reached out again.
I highly recommend Next Level as I am truly grateful for the healing and teachings both myself and other whanau members have received from these beautiful healers.
— Rachel
Hey guys, just wanted to say how truly humbled I am of the whole ‘Heal the Healer’ course experience over the weekend! Am still processing a lot, and am soo excited about the growth to come, and all that Jesus continues to reveal moving forward!
Thoroughly enjoyed the company and connection of amazing and powerful healers! Is a privilege to receive healing and an honour to bear witness to others receiving theirs!
Thank you for your collective professionalism of course delivery, extremely comfortable venue (incl dogs) and of course the amazing food!
Will keep you informed of my progress. Arohanui xxx
— Student
Whether you go to Next Level for Healing or to up skill your Healing abilities your life will be enhanced. The healers work beautifully together and create safe spaces to explore deeper truths. My deepest gratitude for your shining lights and assistance in my growth Arohanui xox
— Rosie
Since I have attended the next level retreat I have had major life changes..
The weight of the world I had been carrying all my life has been lifted, I suffered in pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD, an addiction, I feel it has been lifted from my shoulders, I no longer live in a world of fear, I have been able to come off 90% of medications...
I feel my soul has been freed from all the baggage that had been placed upon me. I have reunited with my children and noticed the healing that has also happened for them. The pain in the memories no longer exists within, they are so far in the past that they no longer consume me.
The tools I have been gifted are so powerful! I feel protected and feel connected to my true self. I would 100% recommend their work to everyone. If I can move past the life I had been living, anyone can. I had given up on life, on love, I had tried everything!!! I now have the tools and guidance I need to live an amazing life. You ladies are truly a gift from god and I cannot wait to be able to give back what I have been gifted. I truly have been gifted my life back.
— Kim
I just wanted let you know that I’ve had a major breakthrough with my healing and my hands have almost healed overnight and getting better and better and the thanks and gratitude I have to Io, Jesus, God’s army and you all (the whole crew) is in multitudes xox. These tools that have been given and shared by you has blessed me and restored me to my most highest wishes xox So much appreciation to you all and all that you continue to do under the loving guidance of God and Jesus xox. It’s on now! I’m loving this healing process and am so excited for our future. Ngā mihi nunui ki koutou xox…
— Student

Removing Spiritual Attachments