Heal the Healer Wānanga (course) Outline

 day one

Today we get straight to business where you will become a participant in a healing session and help to heal your fellow students. You will also receive a healing yourself where we will break negative connections with past events and lift self-limiting beliefs.

We will discuss some of the other tools and tactics we use and you’ll learn how to safely remove spiritual attachments to bring peace and tranquillity to your life.


Protection, connection and manifestation


This is your opportunity to further embed these foundational processes.

removing spiritual attachments

Spiritual attachments are a very real thing which can have an alarming impact. In this session we get straight to business and share our knowledge and expertise including:

  • What are spiritual attachments?

  • How do you recognise them?

  • How do they impact you and those around you?

Here you will learn how to safely remove these to make life-changing improvements to you and your loved ones.


Spiritual warfare is part of the healing undertaken to break negative connections and reveal amazing gifts. There are fundamental tools and tactics available when undertaking this work which help to keep everyone safe.

The fountain is a tool for everyday use. Whether it be self-healing, healing others or embarking on spiritual warfare this is the tool for the occasion.

The safe room was built by the angels specifically for those using Next Levels healing techniques. This room provides additional protection and confidence while performing spiritual healing.

A gift from above, the Prayers, Karanga and Commands are extremely powerful. Their impact can be felt whether you are connected or not to the spiritual realm, providing healers a tool to heal when it’s unsafe to connect. Used in the right way they can do anything from releasing souls through forgiveness, to cleansing land, to revealing the true nature of what's presented during a healing.

Time manipulation is both a tool and a tactic. Working in different time zones takes spiritual healing to the Next Level. Skipping through dimensions in time increases spiritual warfare abilities. This is one of the coolest spiritual tools and tactics around!

These are only some of the tools we use, find out more on the Awaken Your Gift course.

Group Healing Session - Breaking Negative Connections

Divided into two healing sessions:

In the first session, half the group will receive their first beautiful healing. They will traverse the path of memory lane, travel back in time to break negative connections and meet their inner child, while the other half of the group participate.

In the second session participants switch roles; the second half of the group receive their first beautiful healing, while the first half of the group participate.

 day Two

Today you will receive your second healing where you will gain insight into how to feel emotions in their purest form and like yesterday you will again participate as a healer.

You will gain an understanding of how to combat deception and distraction during spiritual warfare.


foundational processes


On day one, you experienced the foundational processes first hand. Now learn more about how they have come about, how we use them to span past, present and future, what order we use them and why.

RAISING the Vibration

You’ve seen one way we use the forgiveness prayers, now discover a wider purpose.


Discussing progress.
A further chance to practice in a safe environment.


The ‘uglies’ of the spiritual realm are masters of deception. Learn first hand from those who have participated in many forms of spiritual warfare:

  • What form this can take

  • How this can affect you in your everyday life; and

  • How to combat these types of spiritual attacks.


Divided into two healing sessions:

In the first session, half the group will receive their second beautiful healing, where they will experience the joy of feeling their emotions in their purest form, while the other half participate.

In the second session participants switch roles; the second half of the group receive their second beautiful healing, while the first half of the group participate.

 day Three

Well, you’ve made it to the final day but you can’t relax just yet as there’s still a bit more work to do and things to learn.

Today you will release suppressed memories. This is an extremely powerful process to release all of those memories you have either swept under the carpet or completely blocked out.

As an added bonus you will learn how to use two more tools which can help to lift depression and anxiety from your loved ones.

Finally, we will discuss what the next steps in your spiritual growth might be and establish a support network where you can continue to connect with like minded souls.




The spiritual realm is never ending. It holds many rooms and other dimensions used for a number of different purposes. All of these places hold something which can be used for healing the person/people you are working on or healing the healer.

Here you will hear from those who use those rooms and other dimensions in their healing practices.

Removing Spiritual Attachments

Now you’ve mastered how to remove these nasty spiritual attachments, you can learn how to remove them from more than one person at a time and how to remove them from your home. 

This is also your final chance to practice in a safe environment.


Here we learn how to control the flow of spiritual energy so it is appropriate, safe and comfortable.

Lifting Self-limiting Beliefs

You’ve learnt how to identify self-limiting beliefs, now learn how to lift them off people to help accelerate their healing progress.


Do you have friends and family with any form of depression or anxiety? For some, this can be debilitating. In this session you will learn how to use tools to lift these illnesses.


Divided into two healing sessions:

In the first session, half the group will receive their third and final beautiful healing where they will take a trip with their inner child to the place they have stored their suppressed memories and release those memories. The other half of the group will participate. 

In the second session participants switch roles; the second half of the group receive their third beautiful healing, while the first half of the group participate.


What is the next step in your spiritual growth?

Support groups and after care.


Prepare the Healer for Greatness


Removing Spiritual Attachments