chronic pain
What is Chronic Pain? In very simplistic terms it’s a condition, dis-ease or imbalance where the brain thinks you’re in danger or unsafe. It has turned the pain receptors on and can’t turn them off. There are many factors for the brain to come to the conclusion it’s not safe. Most likely, it’s not an instant conclusion. Your body has probably been telling you for a long time but you may not have been listening to the signs. Here are some of the contributing factors of chronic pain.
The Nervous System
Often people are operating in high stress states for long periods of time where it has become part of their norm. However when the nervous system is overwhelmed to the point it feels it's in danger it can send pain in all directions, not just the area it began. The nervous system is at the core of most chronic pain conditions. If this isn’t functioning in harmony, it impacts many of our body’s systems, starting with our endocrine, digestive, immune systems and then moves into our other systems and their organs. It is also the main instigator of anxiety which exasperates your pain levels. Understanding your autonomic nervous system will help to put you on a road of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness and recovery. Learn more about Chronic Pain and Nervous System.
Trauma is a behavioural state resulting from severe mental or emotional stress or physical injury. We understand through our healing work that emotions attach to an experience which then forms our perception or record of that memory. These emotions are then stored in the body and manifest into illnesses, diseases and conditions.
The Unconscious Mind
Depending on how long you’ve been in pain, your brain automatically creates a story which creates behaviours to go with the story. This is your autonomic (automatic) nervous system or subconscious mind at work, creating a story that you’re not safe.
Once we start your healing work, you will become more aware, more conscious of the behaviours of your body. You’ll be able to recognise the emotional, mental and spiritual triggers that cause different reactions in your physical body. You’ll also be able to identify, and set free, the self-limiting beliefs that sit behind those triggers. You’ll be able to create a new story, one that is pain-free and full of freedom.
How Do We Treat Chronic Pain
Similar to understanding self-limiting beliefs, chronic pain can be tangled in many layers of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual stresses. We work to understand the root causes of your pain but firstly we must change your belief from one of danger to one of being safe.
When your chronic pain is heightened, your nervous system thinks you’re in incredible danger, therefore your thoughts and emotions are centred around fear. Fear stimulates the nervous system feeding your belief cycle even further until your nervous system is completely overwhelmed.
We use the belief cycle to introduce positive discussions, observations and meditations to calm the nervous system and to retrain the brain. In each session you will notice significant improvement, reinforcing your new belief that you are safe.
This then starts to create a new perception around your pain status, and with the symptoms decreasing your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical bodies will start to behave in a different manner … once again reinforcing your new belief you are safe … safe enough to turn the pain receptors off.
If you’re experiencing chronic pain and would like help with your healing, contact us for a chat on how we may be able to help you.
Note: the chronic pain healing work must be undertaken with the monitoring of your medical professional.