Our beautiful archangels
“Kāhore taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini”
If you’ve read any of our blogs you may have noticed we’ve a lot of help doing the work we do. From Jesus through to our tupuna (ancestors), to all the souls we’ve helped return home, to the protectors of the earth, the waterways and oceans, the animals and mankind. And that’s just a few of the helping hands who pop into our healing sessions!
In this blog we thought we’d share our gratitude for the archangels who are ever present, ready and waiting to provide protection and to generally help out whenever they’re needed. We call on them everyday to provide protection for ourselves and our loved ones.
When we’re performing healing we work in the main with four archangels; Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. We bring them in right at the very beginning of the session to provide protection for the healee and ourselves. We are placed in a beautiful diamond of crystal which represents purity. We then see the four archangels descend from above coming down to guard each corner of the diamond. They expand their wings to form a circle around the diamond adding an additional level of protection; protection of the highest order.
They give us messages at this point by showing us different visions. Sometimes they’ll appear in armour and we know spiritual warfare is on the cards or they can appear dressed in all of their finery to show there will be a ceremony of some description during the healing. Other times they’ll stand a certain way, move differently or even appear as something other than an angel. This is all for a significant reason, usually one of warning for what’s ahead.
They also help us in healings when there’s heavy lifting to be done during spiritual warfare. Generally they aren’t so flashy so don’t show themselves or their work terribly often but we still know they’re there doing what needs to be done on our behalf for the greater good of all.
Archangels are neither female nor male but when working with us they definitely lean more to one sex than the other. We know which one they are through their qualities, energies and traits. They all bring different gifts and abilities which are needed in the work we do. As an example each of them have given us ‘Angel Mist’.
This mist comes in four different colours, each corresponding with the angel it came from, and each colour represents a different attribute. By pouring this mist into our healees we fill them with the strength of emotion needed to face whatever they’re going through at the time.
So, what is it about these particular archangels?
Michael is a powerful archangel of protection. He brings with him a great deal of strength and courage. When we call for help with the ‘uglies’ during a healing session it will more than likely be Michael who shows up first. He’s a master on the end of a sword.
Michael has given us a blue mist. This mist fills the healee with all the C’s; confidence, courage, conviction and clarity. It helps them to face their problems with strength.
Gabriel is the archangel of communication. The ultimate talent she possesses is the ability to relay messages from God. It’s great she’s around us as we receive so much information relating to so many things, not just for ourselves but also for those we’re healing. We write down just about everything we’re told. The only things we don’t record are the messages which are specific to a healee. Those are their personal messages and for this reason we often don’t remember them after their session is over. Our own messages however are recorded as they give us insight into many things.
Gabriel’s mist is white. It represents communication and connection and is particularly useful when facing relationship issues or finding a sense of belonging. This mist is also used to help us connect at a higher level, to connect with all places, spaces, people and races.
Raphael is the main archangel who oversees healing. His name literally means ‘God heals’. He’s also known to be the protector of travellers, which is handy when your work takes you on mystical journeys through time and dimensions. There’s not much to write about why this magical healer is ever present in our work as it really does speak for itself.
It’s not widely known but Raphael has a wonderful sense of humour so it’s only fitting the mist he has gifted us is fun and laughter which is represented by the colour green. The ability to experience fun and laughter with a childlike innocence has magnificent healing properties.
Uriel is the archangel of wisdom and has incredible abilities in teaching. It’s no surprise she is one of the four who help us out as the Divine has given us the role in his plan to grow healers. To teach them how to heal in a new way using methods which fast track people's healing. We had to be taught how to do this type of work and are still constantly learning and evolving ourselves. Most of those who feel called to come to us for healing are healers, some of which go on to become students in our school.
Uriel’s mist is a cross between mauve and purple and is the purest form of love you can ever experience.
We have come across other archangels in our work however these are the four who are forever present. So much so we feel quite a bond with them as if they are life long friends who always have your back no matter what. We feel very privileged to be able to call on them in times of need and appreciate all they do for us and ultimately the planet and all that resides within.
We thank these four archangels for all that they do and bring: protection, communication, healing and wisdom - what a combination. What more could we ask for!